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Gift cards

Original Gift

Gift card will allow for you to stand out from other greeters and will be of use for purchasing and installation of new curtains, production of decorative pillows or other household textile products.
It will make a great wedding or housewarming present, and it will be a gift challenging creative potential of those interested in improvements and changes in interior design of their housing.

Why and on what occasions the gift card will be the best choice

Gift card of will be a great present for various occasions

idejas ko dāvināt uz sālsmaizi


Kāzu dāvanas jaunlaulātajiem


Idejas dāvanām Ziemassvētkos


interesantas dāvanas māmiņai, vecmāmiņai, mīļotajai sievietei jubilejā, dzimšanas dienā

Mother's day

Dāvanas pirmajā kāzu gadadienā, vecākiem

Wedding anniversary

mīļas dāvanas jaundzinušajam un dzimšanas dienā


Our gift card opens wide range of opportunities in the area of interior design, production of household textiles and curtains. Curtains and interior design play crucial role in creation of harmony and cosiness while setting up every space.

Gift card of offers rather wide range of services, as you will have access to everything related to household textile and not only, starting from beautiful tailor made decorative pillows up to redressing your windows in a new design.

Ideas for recipients of gift cards on how to use the gift card of

  • Creation of new curtains – of classical, traditional, modern, Roman and other designs
  • Production of decorative pillows to match the interior
  • Production of decorative blankets and pillows for children
  • Production of bedspreads
  • Purchase and installation of blinds
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